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Leaflet 1.7 released
During the last year or so, mainstream web browsers have subtly changed the way touchscreens work; unfortunately, Leaflet 1.6.0 and previous versions now exhibit some quirks on touchscreens.
Leaflet 1.7.1 fixes that by bringing several changes to how PointerEvent
s are detected and handled, and using passive touch event listeners when available.
The release was supposed to be numbered as 1.7.0, but a problem with the NPM dependencies appeared at the last minute, generating a bad build. Version 1.7.0 has been marked as deprecated in NPM, and shouldn’t be used - use 1.7.1 instead.
Besides that, there’s a bunch of small bug and documentation fixes, detailed in the changelog. Thanks to everyone who sent a fix, no matter how small!
To get the new release, update your dependencies in your favorite package manager, or check the downloads page.
The Leaflet team.