
an open-source JavaScript library
for mobile-friendly interactive maps

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Leaflet 1.9 released

The v1.9 release is setting the stage for the first major version bump of Leaflet since 2016! A lot has changed since then, and it’s time for Leaflet to grow together with the web platform.

After this release, we are branching off the 1.x code and putting it in maintenance mode — reserving potential 1.x releases only for critical bugfixes. Although version 2.0 is still far away and will take some time to take shape, we plan to make the following changes:

Check out the full changelog here.

Edit: v1.9.1 patch has been released to address compatibility with Leaflet.markercluster plugin.

Edit: v1.9.2 patch has been released which reverts ESM support because of numerous compatibility issues with plugins.

Edit: v1.9.3 patch has been released which resolves some bug fixes and accessibility issues.

Edit: v1.9.4 patch has been released which resolves some bug fixes.

The Leaflet team.

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